American Lifeguard Products 2024 Catalog
Health & Medical Services
Trauma First Aid Stations
Mobi leAicP Trauma Fi rst Aid Stati on (31500) Suggested retait S43U5 External dimeuion (includi119 wheels~ 12.~ ... 1a.s... 1• .o.. &1em11 dimension {excluding whtelsk 10.0tnx 18..Sin x 1•.0t0 Internal dimensiollS: 8.5111 • 15.5 •u 12.D 111 Access door. 8.0 inx 13.0 1r1
Handleextension: 38 in Product weight 27 lbs.
Wheel this 2liO·p1ece TraumaFirs1Aid s1auon directly to the medical emergency- large or small. Compact station ~ organlled on a .. ck-Respon,. modules for rapid response and treatment. Extel\Sllle Rrst Aid supplies meet OSHArequirements ond ANSI suindafdSand includea flexible evncuabOnstretcher. Highvi~bility mooting~ flashing LEO v.lleols, nnd an 8-IOOI collapsibleRag mako themobile station easy tospot. Unique dual v.tleo1 design forclimbingcutbs. Anlltegratedseat and gearplatform allow pauent to sit to betreated or canbeused to haul addrtional equipment Super-durable aerospace clas.s frame consuuction and heavy-duty weather resistant bag safeguard contents. Telescoping handle retractS tor compact SUlfage in less tha112 cubic feet. See p1ge 21for1 det1iled listing at modute contents
Respond confidently
First aid flag This first aid Hag ( 17 5"' x 12"'t tKtends to 8 feet t all and ensures that the station can•t be missed in an emergency. The aluminum flag pole collapses to 17'" for storage in the side·pouch designed to eas.ty anach to the uauma s1111on. The flag can be deployed whole anachtd 10 tht station usi19 the deployment slo11n 1ho pouch or may be deployed separately from the station.
Extensive lr'IUINI firsl·aid supplies This specially selected 260·piece trauma assonmenl of Firsl Aid supplies is designed to respond 10 a variety of injuries and Olhor medical conditions by providing suppUes for:
Outck~Response treatment modules Supplies are c.aretullyorganized intoQuiet-Response modoles designed to aid the responder in quickly accessing supplies tor a needed function. Smart organLZnonmeans faster and more effective responseto any lnJJ'Y or medical need. Cleartv marked modules and tough ciear plastic auowfor easy supply 1eoognltion. Dual clasps keep supplies wen secured and p • protection. sanila1ion and hygiene • wound clea1ling & 1rea1ment • wound dressing & bandaging • large wound dressing & bandaging • hydration & cold application. Emergency evacuation stretcher This foldingfleKible stretcher islightweight Iapproximately 2lbs.), canbe carried by 2to8people, and folds to a compact 12" x 12" x 2·· for convenient storagemsidethe trauma first aid station. I 14 I These supplies m eet OSHA First Aid requiremen1s and ANS I First Aid standards.
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